How To Get Rid Of Papilloma Quickly And Effectively At Home?

Ways to remove papilloma from the home

Papillomas and warts are small, round tumors located on the skin or mucous membranes.

The cause of these formations is the infectious disease of papillomavirus (HPV), which ranks first in the ranking of the most common diseases on Earth. There are two main ways that you can be infected with the HPV virus:

  • Communication is household;
  • Sexual.

The risk of papillomatosis is the development of a malignant tumor process (the development of a benign neoplasm into a cancerous tumor).

Infection with oncogenic HPV strains, as well as damage to growth, can trigger the malignant tumor process. Normally, warts grow slowly, but if the body's defenses weaken, a full-fledged immune response will not develop, and the process of increasing growth and number may accelerate.

Medical centers and clinics offer radical ways to get rid of the external symptoms of papillomatosis. However, conservative treatment at home is effective.

Important!Before starting self-medication for papillomatosis, you should consult a dermatologist.

Your doctor will perform the necessary clinical tests, make a correct diagnosis, diagnose the HPV strain of the pathogen, and recommend effective medications to correct skin imperfections.

Medical care should not be neglected, because the wrong choice of treatment can lead to cancer.

Do not try to cut the papilloma. This can cause them to spread and become cancerous. Also, do not try to remove plants located in the mucous membranes of the throat, eyes or genitals at home.

Home Remedies

With the help of special drugs you can quickly and effectively get rid of papilloma at home.


Many medical clinics recommend removing wart growth with chilled liquid nitrogen. This is a painless and less traumatic way to deal with skin blemishes.

You can do the same procedure at home. Modern pharmacology offers special preparations for cryodestruction at home.

Freeze in steps:

  1. cleansing the skin area with papillomatosis;
  2. Apply the product to the applicator or with a cotton swab.

Within seven to ten days, the wart tissue becomes necrotic and disappears. The advantage of cryodestruction is the absence of scars.

Important!If the plants are located in hard-to-reach places (armpits, under the chest, back or elbows), it may be inconvenient to perform the procedure yourself. In this case, it is worth involving your loved one.

Adhesive bars

There are special adhesive tapes that absorb the compound, which is able to reduce any neoplasms. Papilloma can be cured in this way in 1 day. The strips are glued directly to the growing area and left for three hours. The strip should then be soaked in warm water and carefully removed along with the collection.


Follow the instructions carefully to minimize the following. A special decision will help to get rid of even bigger growth faster. Removal of neoplasms with this powerful agent can lead to painful sensations. It takes about a week for the skin to fully recover.


It is considered one of the most effective means against neoplasms. The advantage of the drug is its painlessness and ease of use: the gel is applied directly to the affected area and left until completely absorbed.

Folk recipes

Papilloma can be treated according to folk recipes. They were used by our grandmothers before formal medicine became widespread. Their plus - security. These recipes can be used by pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

Important!Traditional prescriptions for external use should be combined with systemic administration of antiviral drugs. This will help eliminate the papillomavirus.

Home Immunostimulants

Decreased immunity leads to the spread of papillomatosis. Therefore, the disease must be dealt with comprehensively. A good recipe to strengthen the body's defenses: every day on an empty stomach you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, you can replace the potato juice with an infusion of echinacea, rose hips, nettle, lemon balm, plantain.

Open Recipes

How to get rid of papilloma at home

You can get rid of papilloma with everything you have - iodine, aspirin and alcohol in any medicine cabinet, and vinegar and flour - in the kitchen of any housewife.

  • Mix crushed tablets in a 1: 1 ratio (2. 5 grams) with a solution of iodine, boric acid and alcohol. The mixture should be applied in the form of a compress for growth.
  • You can simply clean the growth with ammonia or lubricate it with iodine.
  • Make a tortilla with flour and vinegar. Turn to the plants. Change as it dries.


  • Skin imperfections can be removed with the help of chicken egg protein. Whip protein is used for growth. Leave to dry. Then the next layer is applied. Repeat for five days. Then the papillomas dry up and disappear.
  • On the basis of castor oil (poisonous medicinal plant) you can treat tumors of the neck or armpits with castor oil. The defect is treated with oil and covered with adhesive plaster or bandage. The procedure is repeated twice a day. The course of treatment until complete elimination of skin imperfections.
  • Green walnut and kerosene oil. Grind the nuts in a meat grinder and add kerosene 2: 1. Let it brew for 21 days. Swipe and squeeze the cake. The resulting ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. Treat the growth twice a day until complete recovery.

In addition to improvised means, traditional medicine recommends the use of medicinal plants in the fight against papillomatosis. The main ingredient in folk recipes for warts is celandine. Freshly picked herbs are also used in ready-made infusions from pharmacies.

Important!Before treatment, the affected area should be steamed in a hot bath, and the skin should be cleansed with cream or plaster. Otherwise, celandine can cause chemical burns.

  • Pour the juice from the stalk of the herb or pharmacy on the spot. Repeat the treatment daily until the skin imperfections are completely removed. This usually happens within fifteen days.
  • A tincture of celandine leaves, thread and chaga helps. The evaporated tincture is poured into molds and placed in the freezer. Then, for three to four minutes a day, a vegetable ice rink is applied to the defect. Until the course of therapy is fully restored.

There are other herbs that can help fight papillomatosis:

  • Cut the aloe or Kalanchoe leaf (the plant should be over three years old) lengthwise, cover the defect and fix it with plaster or bandage. The tract should be changed every three hours. The duration of therapy is ten days;
  • Mix essential oils of licorice, lemon and tea tree. Gently apply the oil mixture to the plants. Repeat daily for two weeks;
  • Recipes of folk remedies for papillomas
  • Rub the warts on the skin of the banana five times a day. It takes about three weeks to get the result;
  • dandelion tincture. The petals are sealed in a half-liter jar filled with cologne. Let it brew for two weeks. Filter and process deficiencies every three to four hours;
  • Rowan and wormwood juice are mixed and applied to the affected areas five to ten times a day. The application should be repeated until the disease is completely eliminated;
  • Pour boiling water over chestnuts and leave for 12 hours. The resulting infusion is added to the bath water. Repeat chestnut baths every two days for a month;
  • We mimic garlic with a blender, meat grinder or garlic press. Mix garlic puree with baby cream. Return to construction, leave for three hours. The site is then thoroughly washed under water. The duration of treatment is thirty days.

Any treatment should be started only after going to a dermatologist and making an accurate diagnosis. Papillomas can be easily confused with other neoplasms, and their treatment is completely different. Self-medication is ineffective and can lead to malignant tumors.

Most patients agree that conservative treatment of papillomatosis at home is as effective as radical methods in medical clinics.